2022 social justice station  12

[Jerusalem Kitchen] Station 12: Jesus dies on the Cross

Though the word “Jerusalem” literally means “city of peace,” modern day Jerusalem is a deeply divided city. For billions of worshippers across the globe – whether Jewish, Christian or Muslim – Jerusalem is a sacred and holy space. For Muslims the al-Aqsa mosque and the Dome of the Rock compound in the heart of the Muslim Quarter in Jerusalem’s Old City is considered the third most holy after Mecca and Medina. Jews consider Jerusalem the site from which the creation of the world emanated. For Christians, the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, believed to be built on the site on which Jesus was crucified, and other sites significant in the life of Jesus make Jerusalem a sacred city.

Yet, the Old City of Jerusalem, even with Calvary at its center, finds no peace. Christ have mercy.

Station 12: Jesus dies on the cross

Social Justice Stations of the Cross - Good Friday, April 07, 2023
  1. Introduction
  2. [Red Doors] Station 1: Jesus is condemned to death
  3. [Black Lives Matter art, Pride flag] Station 2: Jesus takes up his Cross
  4. [Accessibility ramp] Station 3: Jesus falls for the first time
  5. [Chicken Coop on Napa] Station 4: Jesus meets his Mother
  6. [Epworth Playgroups] Station 5: Simon of Cyrene helps Jesus carry the Cross
  7. [Low Water Landscaping, 1926 Napa Avenue] Station 6: Veronica wipes the face of Jesus
  8. [Vote Sign, 1918 Napa Avenue] Station 7: Jesus falls for the second time
  9. [Stone obelisk, The Alameda and El Dorado] Station 8: Jesus meets the women of Jerusalem
  10. [Flag showing solidarity with Ukraine, 1110 The Alameda] Station 9: Jesus falls for the third time
  11. [Berkeley Fire Station, No. 4] Station 10: Jesus' clothes are taken away
  12. [Dentist office] Station 11: Jesus is nailed to the Cross
  13. [Jerusalem Kitchen] Station 12: Jesus dies on the Cross
  14. [Northbrae Tunnel] Station 13 & 14: The body of Jesus is taken down from the Cross and is laid in the tomb
  15. Closing Reflection