

On the lower shelf, you'll see some ombrascopes- this is the middle shelf- which are a very entertaining form of home entertainment. And there's a charming letter from a cutter of these ombrascopes trying to persuade a rich lady to pay him a shilling for a set of six. I wonder if he was lucky or not. But the letter survived which is charming. 

Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
  1. Shadow Theatre
  2. Ombrascopes
  3. Paris Chat Noir
  4. Introduction to Panorama
  5. Diorama and the Dissolve Effect
  6. Protean Views
  7. Optical Toys
  8. Praxinoscope Theatre
  9. Magic Lanterns
  10. Edison and Dickson: Kinetoscope and Mutoscope
  11. Lumière Cinématographe
  12. Robert Paul: Moving Pictures
  13. Hepworth's Animated Photography