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Paine and Main

 You are now at the town’s main intersection, what used to be Paine and Main Streets. It has changed quite a bit since the old horse and buggy days. The only old original building on that corner today is the present Offbeat Music store. It was originally built in 1890 by Emil Ficke as a general store and post office. Later it was Carl Ernst’s  Department Store as shown here. There were stores on each corner here. We recently found out that the one that used to be on this corner still exists as a house on nearby Park Avenue. It was used as a general store, post office, meat market, and harness store. it was moved in 1907. A stone’s throw farther east of here along Old Rand there was an old cemetery on the left in what used to be called Oak Grove. It was in use from the early 1840s until around 1860.  This was just beyond the parking lot by DiPiero’s. When you are ready, push NEXT

A Historical Walk Around the Lake
  1. Paulus Park
  2. An Old Golf Course
  3. Breezy Point
  4. Pine Tree Row
  5. Lake Zurich Golf Club
  6. Lake Zurich’s Outlet
  7. Breezewald Park
  8. Paine and Main
  9. The Farman Hotel
  10. The Lake Zurich Creamery
  11. The Sea Wall
  12. The Bruce Ice House
  13. The Robertson House
  14. Along Robertson Road
  15. Whitney Road