3 quilts monoyios audio tour

Drops in the Ocean

In this quilt, concentric rings of warm and cool blues burst out of the 9x9 grid of a traditional quilting pattern, symbolizing how this material we’ve invented has escaped our ability to contain it, particularly in our waterways. But the quilt is also visually pleasing, symbolizing the value that these plastics add to our lives. Plastic packaging prevents food spoilage and pest infestation, it increases shelf-life allowing food to be shipped farther from its point of origin, it can aid in portion control when, particularly in America, we have lost the ability to regulate the amount of food we consume and are facing dire health consequences as a result. So rather than make my work overtly disturbing, I attempt to find a balance that accurately reflects all the positive impacts plastics have on our lives while still acknowledging the problems it poses.

Kalliopi Monoyios is an artist working to mature the conversation around plastic and plastic pollution. She uses art to start conversations and raise awareness of topics that people might not pursue on their own. 

Art by Kalliopi at DSST Montview
  1. Year of Plastic, Family of Four
  2. Chevron Quilt
  3. Drops in the Ocean