3 quilts monoyios audio tour

Chevron Quilt

Not long ago, people made their own clothes and since fabric was expensive, they saved the scraps and turned them into useful things like quilts, which could be handed down through the generations. But these days, the majority of people buy their clothes pre-made and very few houses produce fabric scraps. Instead, quilters buy new fabric and cut it up into small pieces, only to sew it back together into large blankets. Ironic, right? 

I come from a family of quilters, but when I started working with plastic, it struck me that if quilts were made from the scraps of our lives, it makes more sense to build modern quilts from plastic, not fabric! I began to salvage colorful, single-use plastic packaging from the trash and created a series of plastic quilts, including this Chevron Quilt. 

Kalliopi Monoyios is an artist working to mature the conversation around plastic and plastic pollution. She uses art to start conversations and raise awareness of topics that people might not pursue on their own. 

Art by Kalliopi at DSST Montview
  1. Year of Plastic, Family of Four
  2. Chevron Quilt
  3. Drops in the Ocean