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Engineering & Computer Science Library

The Engineering and Computer Science Library (ENG&CS) is located in Head Hall at room C-15. Open to all members of the UNB community, its services and collections are specialized for those in the faculties of Computer Science and Engineering.

Welcome to UNB Libraries!
  1. Before We Get Started...
  2. Harriet Irving Library
  3. Commons Service Desk (HIL)
  4. Research Help Desk (HIL)
  5. Computing, Printing, and Scanning (HIL)
  6. Research Commons (HIL)
  8. Group Study Rooms (HIL)
  9. Special Collections (HIL)
  10. Silent Study (HIL)
  11. The Loyalist Collection (HIL)
  12. Archives (HIL)
  13. UNB Writing Centre (HIL)
  14. Engineering & Computer Science Library
  15. Service Desk (ENG&CS)
  16. Computing, Printing, and Scanning (ENG&CS)
  18. Group Study Rooms (ENG&CS)
  19. Quiet and Silent Spaces (ENG&CS)
  20. Science & Forestry Library
  21. Service Desk (SCI&FOR)
  22. Information (SCI&FOR)
  23. Computing, Printing, and Scanning (SCI&FOR)
  25. Group Study Room (SCI&FOR)
  26. Quiet and Silent Spaces (SCI&FOR)
  27. Hans W. Klohn Commons
  28. Library Services Desk (HWK)
  29. Computing, Printing, and Scanning (HWK)
  31. Group Study Rooms (HWK)
  32. Noise and Quiet Spaces (HWK)
  33. Special Collections (HWK)
  34. Help Centres (HWK)