Dsc 0158

Yoruban Barrister Crown (Orikogbofo)


Mid-20th century

Beads, cloth, fiber

Modeled after wigs worn by British barristers, this hat would be part of a Yoruban king’s regalia and an indicator of his position of authority. The king, or oba, would wear this crown when presiding over judiciary occasions, such as the opening of the legislature. Nigeria was a British colony from the late 19th century until 1960 (when it gained its independence), which would have influenced the look of Nigerian clothes and costumes. 

Headwear: Power, Prestige, and Status
  1. Bamileke Prestige Hat (Ashetu)
  2. Bamileke JuJu Headdress (Tyn)
  3. Kuba Hat
  4. Ekondo Hat (Botolo)
  5. Kuba Woman’s Hat (Mpaan)
  6. Lega Bwami Hat
  7. Pende Chief’s Hat (Misango MaPende)
  8. Yoruban Beaded Crown (Ade)
  9. Yoruban Barrister Crown (Orikogbofo)
  10. Karamojong Headdress (Emedot)
  11. Dayak/Kenyah Ceremonial Headdress (Ketapu Silung)
  12. Nung Rawang Chief’s Hat
  13. Mandarin’s Summer Hat (Chao Guan)
  14. Pearl Wedding Cap
  15. Guardia Civil Hat (Tricornio)
  16. Lama’s Ceremonial Hat
  17. Plains Indian War Bonnet