MIDDLE ROW - Reed Organ

Reed Organ, 1868
Blakeman and Phillips Company

Kalamazoo, Michigan

Donor: Mr. & Mrs. Vidian Roe, 1975

William P. Blakeman opened a small shop to manufacture organs in 1854, just one block south of this Museum. He went into partnership with Delos Phillips in 1866 and produced the Star Organ. Phillips claimed that the Star Organ accounted for 20% of reed organs sold in the country.

Vibrating Reeds

The Star Organ is a reed organ. Sound is created by pumping the foot peddles while playing the keys. As air is forced past the brass reeds on the inside of the cabinet, they vibrate and produce sound. 

At Church and Home

Reed organs were popular in small churches and 19th century middle-class homes. Because they were mass-produced, they provided an option for a church that could not afford, or did not have room for, a large pipe organ.  For families, they were a center of entertainment in an age before radio or television.

Atrium of Artifacts
  1. TOP ROW - Pulpit Chair
  2. TOP ROW - Birchbark Canoe
  3. TOP ROW - Soapbox Race Car
  4. TOP ROW - "Wonder Pony" Rocking Horse
  5. TOP ROW - Salute Gun
  6. TOP ROW - Armor
  7. TOP ROW - Virginia Bells
  8. TOP ROW - Grandfather Clock
  9. TOP ROW - Wringer Washer
  10. TOP ROW - Lincoln Desk
  11. TOP ROW - Peck Stained Glass
  12. TOP ROW - Grand Prairie School Bell
  13. TOP ROW - Television Tube Tester
  14. MIDDLE ROW - Studio Camera
  15. MIDDLE ROW - Regal Oak Stove
  16. MIDDLE ROW - Cylinder Phonograph
  17. MIDDLE ROW - One Hour Valet Sign
  18. MIDDLE ROW - Trial Lens Cabinet
  19. MIDDLE ROW - Reed Organ
  20. MIDDLE ROW - Field Cradle
  21. MIDDLE ROW - String Quilt Top
  22. MIDDLE ROW - Lady Justice Statue
  23. MIDDLE ROW - Columbia High-Wheel Bicycle
  24. MIDDLE ROW - Projection Screen Television
  25. BOTTOM ROW - Coffee Bin
  26. BOTTOM ROW - Trade Sign, Gilmore Enterprises
  27. BOTTOM ROW - Suitcase
  28. BOTTOM ROW - Douglass Community Exterior Sign
  29. BOTTOM ROW - Sled
  30. BOTTOM ROW - FREE 2B ME, sign
  31. BOTTOM ROW - Bust of Leta Snow
  32. BOTTOM ROW - Apple II Plus Computer