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Public Lounge

Step through the Bubble Wall into the Public Lounge. This room provides a place to access Wi-Fi and take advantage of a relaxing atmosphere. It’s a great space to recharge.

Remodeled Library Tour
  1. Outside Façade and Landscape
  2. Rapture of the Human Spirit/It Was Just Like Yesterday
  3. FabEuless Memories
  4. Bubble Wall
  5. Public Lounge
  6. Main Library Collection
  7. Teen Room
  8. Classrooms 01 and 03
  9. Study Rooms
  10. Create Space
  11. Collection
  12. Porch
  13. Blooms of Enlightenment
  14. Cozy Nook
  15. Children's Area
  16. Family Place
  17. Heritage Room
  18. Portrait of Mary Lib Saleh
  19. Touch-Down Nook
  20. Covered Patio