
Basement, including how to get there

There are two ways to get the basement in the HIL – both the stairs and the elevator located near the Research Help Desk.

Microforms are available in the basement. 

Microform is a general term for material that contains a small image or microreproduction of a document.  These document images are usually found on film.  Since the images are so small, special readers/scanners are used to view the documents.

You will find many historical documents – including periodicals and books – available on microfilm. 

The HIL-STACKS main collection – the collection you will borrow most of your print books from – begins in the basement.  Books in the HIL-STACKS main collection, with call numbers A through D199, are located in the basement of the HIL.

Harriet Irving Library
  1. Commons Service Desk
  2. Research Help Desk
  3. UNB (IT) Service Desk
  4. John B. McNair Learning Commons
  5. Reference Collection
  6. Film and Popular Reading Collections
  7. Group Study Rooms
  8. Reading Room (109)
  9. Periodicals (Journals, Magazines, and Newspapers)
  10. HIL Commons Café
  11. 2nd Floor
  12. Before We Get Started...
  13. Basement, including how to get there
  14. Language Board
  15. Scanners Available