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First Floor New Section

The first floor consists of many classrooms -.

Above most rooms there are placards designating what the room was used for at some point -.

Most likely, uses for each room changed throughout the history of the school -.

The area from the stairways toward Main Street is the newer part of the building -.

It was added on some time later after completion of the school -.

The double doors lead to a stairway that exits toward Main Street -.

The nurses clinic is to the right of this exit -.


South Main School
  1. Gymnasium
  2. Entryway
  3. Welcome to South Main!
  4. Basement
  5. Cafeteria
  6. Boiler Room
  7. First Floor New Section
  8. First Floor Old Section
  9. Second Floor
  10. Attic
  11. Thank You!