Firewood into mushrooms feat

Mushroom Cabin #5

300 edible mushroom varieties thrive in Wisconsin. Cooking wild mushrooms has become popular with many restaurants and one of the most popular is chicken in the woods. This mushroom is great in stews and casseroles in place of chicken. Other popular uses are in stir-fries or marinated in a satay sauce and skewered. Mushroom Cabin #5 is constructed of maple, ash, and box elder and supports chicken of the woods and oyster mushroom spores.

Three Pillars and "The Wild and Cultivated Foods Tour!"
  1. Maple Trees
  2. Mushroom Cabin #1
  3. Mushroom Cabin #2
  4. Mushroom Cabin #3
  5. Mushroom Cabin #4
  6. Mushroom Cabin #5
  7. Mushroom Mulch #6
  8. Raspberry
  9. Wild Grapes
  10. Elderberry
  11. Mulberry
  12. Stinging Nettle
  13. Wild Grapes - Transplant Site
  14. Raspberry - Transplant Site
  15. Mulberry - Transplant Site