20190814 092915 stop 7

Point of Interest #5

Between the 4th and 5th posts you will come across the trunk of a California Valley Oak Tree. Oak trees have been giving us shade and beautifying our California landscape for a very long time. They can be found on rolling hills, along rivers, creeks and in valleys of 52 of the state’s 58 counties. They provide shelter and food for thousands of insects, birds and animals.

Oak trees do very well with the hot, dry summers and cool, wet winters characteristic of the Sacramento Valley. 

The valley oak is the largest oak tree found in California. It can grow to be over 100 feet tall and can live for almost 300 years. The valley oak is found growing by creeks and rivers in valleys near the California coast and in the Central Valley. It is a deciduous tree with pale green-yellow leaves. The acorns are long and narrow. Today, oak trees face many dangers. Many young oak trees are stepped on by pasture animals, run over by lawn mowers or crushed by bulldozers. Full-grown trees are often damaged or killed when new homes, roads or shopping malls are built. In order to keep native oaks in California, we all need to help by planting new oak trees.

To maintain a forest or woodland, each oak tree needs to produce just one replacement tree in its lifetime, but disease, drought, fire, and grazing wildlife can all destroy oak seedlings. Fortunately, each oak tree produces thousands of acorns during its life span.

Thank you for listening and I hope you enjoyed your time on the Arcade Creek Sensory Trail. There is a tree trunk that has been turned into a seating area, located 7 posts away, between post 7 and 8 on the opposite side of the trail. During late Fall through Spring you can sit here and enjoy the sounds of the creek and the raft of Mallard Ducks that make themselves at home on the creek bank. Before you leave please take the time to explore the rest of the Arcade Creek Park Preserve and all of it's amenities and features. Have a great day. 

ACPP Sensory Trail
  1. Start of Tour
  2. Start of ACPP Sensory Trail
  3. Point of Interest #1
  4. Point of Interest # 2
  5. Point of Interest # 3
  6. Point of Interest # 4
  7. Point of Interest #5