

Jamaica Plain is a neighborhood in the City of Boston.  Europeans have lived here since the 1630s but there were indigineous people who habited the area for thousands of years prior to that (we know very little about them except for scant archaeological evidence but this is historical Massachusett tribe territories and home to their descendants to this day.  The area around the Monument is the heart of both the colonial village that was first labelled as 'the Jamaica End' on maps about 1655.  This area was also the bustling downtown of the town of West Roxbury -- which seceded from the City of Roxbury in 1852 and then eventually joined Boston in 1874.  We will see evidence from all those eras on the tour today.

Monument Square, Jamaica Plain
  1. Introduction
  2. Loring Greenough House
  3. The Monument
  4. Dudley Stone
  5. Still Sculpture
  6. Pauline Agassiz Shaw Kindergarten plaque
  7. Brewer Street Houses
  8. 1 Dane Street/Greek Revival Glory
  9. 32 Eliot Street/Ellen Swallow Richards
  10. The Eliot School
  11. First Church Burying Ground
  12. Footlight Club (Eliot Hall)
  13. First Church in Jamaica Plain
  14. Conclusion