
Light - Solo Art Exhibition by Kate Marr

This audio guide will take you through the art exhibition and includes sounds of the sea and landscape which were recorded in the same locations as the paintings.  Click on each number between 1-12 to listen to the related audio.

1st Floor, 11 St. Chad’s Street, Kings Cross, London, WC1H 8BG, United Kingdom
Light - Solo Art Exhibition by Kate Marr
  1. Light
  2. Audio of Poole Harbour
  3. Audio of Bournemouth Beach
  4. Audio of Hengistbury Head
  5. Audio of The New Forest
  6. Artist Statement
  7. Biography Part 1
  8. Biography Part 2
  9. Audio of Anses Wood, The New Forest
  10. Audio of a Woodland Walk
  11. Audio of Rhinefield Ornamental Drive, The New Forest
  12. Thank you for visiting!